Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

3 Weeks Already

Running errands with Mommy
Bath Time
Daddy and me on the weekend
One of my many fun hats!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

This week we got Kaylee's newborn pictures taken by my amazing photographer. This is a proof she sent me. Heidi is awesome!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

2.5 weeks

~I fall in love more everyday~ she makes me smile!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun with Grammy

She was over taking pictures... she makes the funniest faces.
~Kaylee and Grammy~
Our 1st picture together outside of the hospital.

Our first 2 weeks have been filled with many challenging and memorable moments... the whole night thing has not been that bad she is up every 2-3 hours to eat... the hard thing has been getting her to sleep in the bassinet. She sleeps like an angel on my chest but once I put her down she is up again. I have to figure something out!!! I don't want her to get use to sleeping with us that is for sure. She has become much more alert which has been fun... she looks at me when I talk to her and is already becoming a mamas girl. I almost feel bad when Jeremy holds her and she starts crying the second he hands her to me she stops. I am sure that will change in time. One thing I cannot wait to tell her when she gets older is how she pooped ALL over me at 2 in the morning. It scared the heck out of me. I never knew poop could shoot that far. Now I laugh about it but at the time I wanted to die! We have started walking again which has been nice. I am really enjoying spending time with her and cannot wait for her to become more animated. I feel like she is already getting big.

Friday, January 18, 2008

12 Days Old

Wide awake when it is time for bed... I think she has her days and nights mixed up. (11 days old)
Her first dinning experience at Mahe for Uncle Kurt's birthday. She was great... I know I should enjoy all the sleeping while I can because it will not last long.
The past 12 days have been awesome. We have had a lot of visitors. We were lucky enough to have Grandma Kathy stay with us for 3 days. My mom was really helpful and kept me entertained. We had our 2nd doctors appointment on Thurs. she is now weighing 7 pounds and is doing great. She did have jaundice but that has now gotten better as well thank goodness. I am having so much fun being a mommy. I think I still cannot believe that she is mine. I love it!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

~The Girls~

~Elle (4 weeks), Hanna (7 weeks), Kaylee (9 days)~
This was the best I could get it is hard to get 3 infants to take a picture... I can't believe how fast Kaylee will grow in the next 3 weeks!
The girls with Hailee she loves them :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

~I love her~

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Our 1st Week

The belly the morning of delivery

Proud Daddy going with Kaylee to get her 1st shots
Our celebration dinner...
Leaving the hospital with our little angel
Sleepy heads!
Our beautiful little girl all pretty in pink
Cousin Conner holding Kaylee
~Our Family~
This picture just taken today... I am 1 week old already!

Wow!!! What an amazing week. It has gone by so fast... I cannot believe I was in the labor delivery room this time last week. Our delivery experience was wonderful I could not have asked for a better one. My midwife was scheduled to work in the hospital that day so she told me if my contractions were still happening to come in and she would get thing moving for me. So we went in at about noon... my contractions were 5 minutes apart and I was still dilated to 4cm. They started giving me pitocin and finally broke my water at 6:30. By 7:00 I was in active labor and she arrived at 10:37pm. So it went really fast once I got into active labor. It amazes me what a womans body can do. Meeting my little girl for the first time was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. It was surreal!!!!

Now that we are home and settled in we are just enjoying her as much as she can. I know that she will grow so fast so we are just trying to take it all in. Jeremy has been AMAZING... I was not really sure how he would be considering babies have always made him nervous. He has been great with her and very supportive to me. I am really sad he goes back to work tomorrow. I am shocked at how good I am feeling already. We did our 1st family outing at day 3 and have been out for a couple of hours each day since. Jeremy and I actually got to enjoy a couple of hours away at Steve and Barbara's 30th Wedding Anniversary party which was really fun. We are so blessed to have our family who have been so helpful!!!! I cannot believe how in love I am with Kaylee... I am a very proud mommy and so thankful.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kaylee is here!!!!

Kaylee Kathryn Ritter
Born: 01/06/2008 @ 10:37pm
6 pounds 13 ounces
20.5 inches long

The delivery crew... our moms and my amazing doctor Penni!

More detail to come... we are in love and so happy that she is finally here!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


So I had my usual weekly appointment yesterday. I am now dilated to 4cm and 100% effaced!!! The doctor said that she could feel my bag of water and it is ready to burst. I am really hoping that it will... just so that I have NO questions about going to the hospital. She also stripped my membranes yesterday so I am crossing my finger that will gets things moving. My contraction are still happening so I will be doing the NST testing tomorrow. I really am hoping that Kaylee is not this stubborn once she gets here! :) I could not sleep last night because all I could think about was my water breaking and actually getting to meet her!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Sleeping before midnight...

We had a very relaxing and uneventful New Years Eve. It was actually nice to just lay on the couch and do nothing. I am sure poor Jeremy was bored to death but I just did not feel like doing anything.

We also had another visit to labor and delivery on Dec. 30th... I had been having contractions that were 3-6 minutes apart that we started timing at 2:00pm. Finally at about 8:00pm I decided to call and see what we should do. They told me to come in and be monitored. My biggest concern was the baby. Once we got there they hooked me up and checked me. I am still dilated to 3 cm and now 90% effaced so they told us to walk around for 2 hours and see if there were any changes which of course there were not. But the best thing about us going is we learned a lot and we know that Kaylee is still doing great and handling these contractions ok. I am in what they call "Prodromal Labor" it is a stage of labor that is not very common and usually occurs in woman having there 4th or 5th child. It usually last for a week to 2 weeks but could go on until me due date. You feel all the signs of labor... but they never progress or intensify. The cervix does make progression but not anymore than what I am at right now. So the doctor told me to relax, take hot baths and try to get sleep so that my body and mind will be ready for the real thing. She said that it still could happen any day. They also want the baby to be monitored twice a week in NST to make sure that Kaylee is still doing ok. So now that I know what is going on with me I feel SO much better and knowing that our little girl is ok is all that really matter. Now it is just a waiting game!