Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 26, 2009

Daddy's Girl

As Kaylee gets older she and Daddy get closer. Kaylee has Daddy wrapped around her finger and I am loving it. There is nothing better than watching the man you love enjoy being a Dad.


Kaylee's 1st time at Disneyland...
We went Sunday with Daddy and then back on Monday for more fun. I am so excited we got annual passes this year!

Tiny Tumblers

Kaylee and cousin Hanna started a gym class last week with kids 10-18 months. So far Kaylee seems to enjoy it.

So sweet!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

After 7 nights away I was ready to see my baby girl! I came home to this happy big girl...

My parents had Kaylee for a week and loved every minute of it. She was really good for them and had a ton of fun! Thank you Grandpa and Grammy it is great to be able to go away and only miss your baby...not worry...
My mom is already asking when the next vacation is?!?!


Last week Jeremy and I enjoyed a vacation on the Big Island of Hawaii. It was a great relaxing time! We enjoyed great food, sun and the relaxation of the island.This was the longest we have been away from Kaylee. We missed her a ton but it was nice to just be "us" again for a little while!

I love you honey thanks for a wonderful vacation "just the two of us"!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Forever Friends

I love this picture of my dear high school girl friends and all of our kids! We have all been friends for 15+ years and are still close.
Jenn with Avery (2) and Cameron (4), Angelina with Luke (7wks), Holly with Monica (11) and Trevor (3), Kara with Kaylee (1) and Stacey with Harper (17mos) and Ella (3)...exhale!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Birthday Fun

We celebrated Kaylee's 1st birthday yesterday at the park near our house. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun! The kids had a blast playing together! We are SO lucky to have amazing family and friends.

Happy Birthday to our sweet angel. We LOVE you so much!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Kaylee!
I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. We had a great day! January 6th will forever be one of our favorite days! We love you so very much!

Kaylee's 1st cake... she LOVED it!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

It is hard to believe that we are now in 2009! What a great year 2008 was for our family. Of course the most memorable event of the year was welcoming our little girl to our family! We also became an Auntie/Uncle once again with little Hanna. My brother got married and is now expecting a little one. We also got to see many of our great friends become husband and wife as well as parents.We have a ton to look forward to this year as well. Kaylee turning 1 next week, going on vacation just the two of us in a couple weeks, our 3rd wedding anniversary, my big 30th birthday, possible talk about adding to our family,and a couple close friends getting married and welcoming babies.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year! We played games with family on New Years Eve and then headed to the river for the weekend with dear friends. It was my first winter river trip. Definitely cold but nice and relaxing!

Going for a boat ride
Daddy & Kaylee

Jeremy and Mikey playing shoes

Erin,Matt, Kaylee and I