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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor this Monday and to my surprise I got an ultrasound. I am SO thankful and excited that everything is going so well. The baby was head down for the first time ( I was starting to think she would never do that) and she is weighing a little over 2 pounds. She is measuring big so I have decided either I am going to have huge kid or be a little early. Only time will tell... I am getting very very excited about having this baby. I think it has really hit me that I am actually going to be a mom... For those who know me well you know that being a mom is something that has always been important to me but something I was never sure I could experience. So I have to say that I feel beyond blessed to be carrying this little girl with little to no complications. Ok enough of the cheesy stuff :)

I had a great time at Jo's baby shower is was perfect and she looked beautiful as always. I cannot wait to meet her little girl Jordan Julianna... Above is all the pregos!!! There is definitely something in the water!!!

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