I am officially in the FINAL stretch of this pregnancy with only 25 days left.
I went to the Dr. a couple of days ago and I am now dilated to 2.5cm and 60% effaces. Parker's head is down and she could actually feel it which surprised me. I have also reached the point of being over it. I have really enjoyed this pregnancy so much more than I did with Kaylee but I am now at the point of being uncomfortable all the time, sleeping horribly and feeling huge. My Dr. has given me the go ahead to increase my activity level and do whatever I wish... so I went to the gym yesterday and it felt SO good to sweat. I plan to continue walking and working out until he gets here.
I am SO excited to meet Parker and see his sweet face. I can't wait to see how Kaylee is with her little brother. Although I am nervous about all the changes of becoming a family of 4... I can't wait we have been wanting this for a long time.
The Belly with 25 days left (36 weeks 3 days)
And what a difference 75 days can make.
This is my belly with 100 days to go.