Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Almost half way!

Jeremy and I went to our 18-20 week ultrasound and doctors appointment on Thursday. It was crazy to see how much the baby has grown since we saw her last. It is official we are having a baby girl. Jeremy got to here the heartbeat for the first time as well which he was shocked by how fast it was 163 BPM. It was also great to here that our little one is healthy and very active. I am also excited that my health has been great. I don't have to go to the doctor every 2 weeks anymore. I will still be seeing my specialist but because everything has been so normal I don't have to visit her as frequent.

I am starting to show more and more everyday. I had a woman ask me if I was having twins!!! Who says that to a pregnant lady??? Anyway I am feeling great and starting to feel a bond with our baby. I love feeling her move around although sometimes it is a little weird. Almost half way through the pregnancy!!!! I hope the 2nd half goes by faster than the first. I have to admit I don't LOVE being pregnant but it is not horrible and I know in the end all of this will be well worth is!

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