I try not to brag to often about Kaylee but this week she has earned some good praise! We are on day 3 of potty training and she is doing SO good. I'm actually shocked at how easy it has been. She is so proud of herself and LOVES her new "poo poo panties" (have not idea why she calls them that).
Kaylee also said bye bye to her paci this week. If you know Kaylee them you know how much she loves her "mimi" (blanket) and paci. On Friday night Grandma Spike and Nellie were watching Kaylee and I forgot them but she fell asleep fine. So we decided to tell her that we lost them and she has handled it pretty well. She still asks for it every time she takes a nap or goes to bed. But then is over it within minutes.
I'm so proud of my little monkey!! My baby is now really a big girl :( I am excited but am done letting her grow up anymore. I want her to forever be my little girl...
Gotta love her little face it says it all!